There are almost as many types of massage available as there are benefits to the practice. When determining what type of massage you want it is important to align the specific massage therapy with the result you are seeking. We can help you match our offerings to your specific needs.
All massage clients have access to a complimentary shower area after service and choice of aromatherapy. Incorporate any massage with a sauna or float session for a perfect spa day.
Swedish massage is unquestionably one of the most recognized and popular massages techniques offered. During a Swedish massage, your therapist will first apply massage oil or lotion to your body and then employ long gliding strokes in the direction of blood returning to the heart. These purposeful movements help to warm your muscle tissue, release tension, and release those tight “knots” you may have been experiencing in your neck, shoulders, or back. Your therapist may also incorporate techniques, for example, circular pressure applied hands and palms, a firm kneading of the muscles, a percussion-like tapping, and stretching of the joints and muscles.
Deep tissue massage involves manipulation of the deep layers of tissue in the body, including the fascia and other supportive tissue that make up the muscles and joints. Compared to other popular massage techniques which tend to be lighter in pressure and can involve moving the body into certain positions — deep tissue massage is usually slower and firmer. Whether you’re an athlete with a daily high demand placed on your body or recovering from an injury or illness, deep tissue massage likely has some benefits to offer you.
Hot stone massage therapy not only feels amazingly relaxing, it is known to provide a host of other benefits.. The use of hot stones allows you to achieve a deeper level of relaxation as the stones serve as a grounding force that makes it difficult to stay stressed very long. Hot stone massage has a calming effect that relieves pain, reduces stress and promotes deep relaxation. During you massage your therapist will place smooth, water-heated stones at key points along your body. By combining this element with other massage techniques you will receive an experience that provides the most healing. With regular hot stone massage sessions, you will begin to notice less pain and an improved ability for your body to handle stress. Hot stone massage melts away muscle tension as a result of heat. This allows your massage therapist to access deeper layers of muscle. The desired result is a relaxation of muscle tension that accompanies a host of other benefits including: Improved circulation, increased metabolism, chronic pain relief, fewer muscle spasms, improved joint flexibility and improved mood.
Massage for pregnant women reduces stress on weight-bearing joints, encourages blood and lymph circulation, helps to relax nervous tension -- which aids in better sleep -- and can help relieve depression or anxiety caused by hormonal changes. Therapists adjust their techniques accordingly to the needs of pregnant women and their changing bodies. Our specially designed bolsters and cushions allow for a very relaxing experience.
Other types of massage may be relaxing, but myofascial release massage is often intense. Your therapist will use their hands to massage an stretch your myofascial tissue and eliminate knots. You may feel sore immediately following a myofascial massage, but the results often include an increased range of motion and less pain and stiffness
Sports massage is focused and systematic, targeting muscles that are used in a specific sport. It uses various techniques to decrease muscle pain and improve recovery, as well as improve overall range of motion and flexibility to support safe and effective movement.
This full body massage supports deep tissue techniques, lymphatic drainage, and improves circulation through the use of specialized silicone cups. Cupping Therapy is known to improve mental clarity, boost immune system, and relieve headaches.